Experience Westport, our cozy little beach town on the Washington Coast. Come to recharge, stay for the surfing, fishing, and beaches!

WESTPORT Washington

Get Ready to Experience Westport, Washington!


Charter Fishing in Westport

Book your fishing trip today!


Heart of Westport

Discover the Heart of Westport and see why Jeff and Marianne believe Westport is "The last best place."


Razor Clamming

Dig Razor Clams on our shores, the ultimate PNW experience.


Westport’s Fresh Catch

Taste the quality of sustainable farmed Oysters from Westport. Available year-round!

Westport Web Cam

Westport Live

Live views of the Westport Marina, the Groins, Grays Harbor, and the Cove.


Experience Washington’s Tallest Lighthouse


Stories from Westport


Get ready to experience Westport’s Fresh Catch!


Westport 2025 Events



Westport is closer than you think!


Estimated travel time to Westport from:

Seattle ~2 hours 30 min
SeaTac ~2 hours 15 min
Tacoma ~1 hour 30 min
Olympia ~1 hour 15 min
Portland ~3 hours
Port Angeles ~3 hours 15 min


Plan your trip to Westport!

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