Press Room

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Why Visit Westport?

Westport, Washington is a cozy little beach town located at the mouth of Grays Harbor, just over two hours southwest of Seattle, on the southernmost peninsula known as Point Chehalis. Its proximity to Seattle and Portland makes it an excellent destination for local staycations and out-of-state visitors, especially due to its sprawling and vast sandy beaches. Westport’s community is full of authentic and welcoming people—eager to tell their latest fishing story or invite you into the local surf scene.

Destination Attributes:

  • Westport's Marina District boasts a working marina where you can watch the fishing boats coming and going, purchase today's local seafood catch, take fishing or whale-watching charters, stroll through the docks, or even drop your own crab pots. Charming local shops and restaurants are sprinkled throughout downtown, offering a unique yet intimate connection to the ocean.

  • People come to Westport from around the globe to experience world-class surfing. Westport offers 3 main surf breaks, which can accommodate every skill level from beginner through advanced, and is recognized as one of the most popular surfing destinations in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. The consistency of surfable waves and the frequency of clean surf combined with convenient access gives surfers a reason to take the easy drive to the coast. Westport offers many independently-owned shops in town, offering first-timers rentals, lessons, and everything needed to get in the water safely.

  • People from around the globe come to Westport to experience both world-class fishing and fresh seafood. The Westport charter fleet's seasoned crews guide people to fantastic fishing experiences that include Salmon, Halibut, Rock & Ling Cod, Crab, and Albacore Tuna. If you're not into fishing, you can purchase Westport's Fresh Catch directly from our local fishers or markets. In addition to buying seafood straight from the harbor/boat, there are numerous storefronts and restaurants in town selling the freshest seafood in season.

  • Westport is home to the Grays Harbor Lighthouse—the tallest in Washington State at 107 feet. The Westport South Beach Historical Society offers tours of the lighthouse. You can climb the 135 steps leading up to the lantern room while learning about the lighthouse's history and taking in a 360° view of Westport and the Pacific Ocean.

  • There's nothing like standing on the top of the Observation Tower of the Westport Marina during high tide of our winter "King Tides". The waves hit the break wall, sending seawater high into the air—a powerful display of the ocean's strength. The roar of the ocean is heard and felt as it reverberates through your body and kisses your face with salty ocean spray. Westport is arguably the best and most accessible beach destination for wave watching, thanks to its observation decks and coastline trails.

In the News

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Photo Library

Experience Washington routinely adds images to our stock image library. Images are available for journalists and media partners interested in promoting Experience Westport as a destination. Please credit “Experience Westport, WA” whenever possible.

A family headed to the beach with toy planes in tow.

Press Contact

For press inquiries, please contact Kevin Goodrich, City Administrator for the City of Westport, WA.


Mail: PO Box 505

801 N. Montesano St.

Westport, WA  98595
