Getting to Know the “Sport Fishing Capital of the World”
In 1975, Westport began raising coho in the marina that would be released and return as jacks and adults in the fall. Sometime in late August to early September, you will likely catch a glimpse of these now-adult salmon swimming around the edges of the harbor in a big loop, offering a fun, local opportunity to catch salmon here in the Westport Marina.
Westport is home to numerous beaches with abundant populations of razor clams. This family-friendly harvest is a popular event on our local beaches. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife finally released dates for numerous razor clamming opportunities with increased limits. So, what do you need to know to take advantage of this coastal harvest? Here is the what, where, and how to bring home your own batch of razor clams.
Back in the 1950s, Westport was known as the Salmon Capital of the World. While the fishing environment has changed, Westport still offers excellent salmon fishing in addition to our thriving bottomfish and tuna fisheries. But what makes salmon so exciting to catch?
What's this Westport Fishing Derby all about, and what do I need to know? For more than fifty years, countless fishermen and women have passed through the Westport fishing derby booth. So why are there still so many folks who miss out on the opportunity to win big? Here's what you need to know to cash in when the big one bites!
I can’t speak to what deckhanding was in the historical heyday of Westport, but I can tell you our job entails far more than baiting hooks. Charterboat captains and deckhands work as a closeknit, supportive team on the water to provide a fun, safe, and successful fishing experience to people of all ages and skill-levels. As deckhands, we aim to improve this experience through more than just baiting hooks and cutting fish, though that is an important aspect of the job.
Over the last several years, I’ve learned what being a deckhand truly means. It goes beyond baiting hooks and cutting fish. It’s introduced me to a community full of fascinating individuals making a living through charter fishing and an ocean full of fishing opportunities. Now, I’m excited to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences fishing in Westport with all of you!
You may have heard that halibut dates were released for the 2023 season or that the charter offices are beginning to book – but what exactly is a halibut trip? And what other trips are available? Here is a quick overview of the fishing opportunities out of Westport (specific details may vary depending on the charterboat – please call your preferred boat, company, or booking agency to confirm details).