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You want to buy seafood directly from the source this year? Great! First things first, you’ll need to: Get on a List!
If you've spent time in Westport lately, you may have experienced some excitement about Dump Day being announced for Feb 3rd. If you've never heard the term Dump Day before, I'm sure many colorful images come to mind, but it's not what you think! For weeks, Westport's commercial fishermen and cannery workers have patiently awaited the start of their crabbing season. Waiting for Dump Day is like a group of runners at the start line, just waiting for the signal to go! With pots neatly stacked on shore, boats tuned up, and commercial fishermen ready to get out to sea and haul in nature's bounty.
Seafood lovers will want to discover Westport, Washington, just a few hours southwest of Seattle. This small harbor town, located on the edge of the Pacific Coast, offers excellent recreation, lodging, dining, and charter fishing experiences for visitors. But did you know it's also the West Coast's commercial fishing hub?
Headed to the beach? Or maybe the mere mention of fresh fish has you rerouting your weekend plans westward? Great idea. One thing is essential if you are headed to Westport: Bring Your Cooler!